🏁Getting Started

To use VuzzMind, follow these simple steps:

Start the Bot: Open the Telegram app and start a chat with the VuzzMind bot by searching for "@VuzzTestBot".

🌟Start the bot

Explore Commands: Use the available commands to access different features. For example, type /create to create a chatbot assistant or /draw to generate AI images.

πŸ•Explore Commands

Engage in Conversations: For chatbot assistants, engage in interactive conversations to experience the power of AI.

πŸ—£οΈEngage in Conversations

Security Auditing: If you have ERC-20 tokens, use the /audit command to perform security audits.

πŸ”Security Auditing

Optime Crypto Insights: Explore your crypto universe effortlessly with VuzzMind! Analyze your wallets using the /analyze_wallet command and delve into NFT collections with the /analyze_nft command.

🎯Optimize Crypto Insights

Stay Informed: Use commands like /daily_gainers and /hot_pairs to stay informed about daily gainer tokens and hot pairs.

ℹ️Stay Informed

Audio Synthesis: Convert your prompts into audio by using the /speech command.

πŸŽ™οΈAudio Synthesis

Valuable Insights: Maximize crypto insights with VuzzMind's /chart command.

πŸ’ŽValuable Insights

Creative and Narrative Packet: Elevate your creative journey. Use /generate_story to turn images into tales and effortlessly convert visuals into text with /image_to_prompt

πŸͺ„Creative and Narrative Packet

Last updated